Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Cosplay Return Choice: Belldandy


I have decided to get back into my cosplay design. My first design is going to be Belldandy from "Ah! My Goddess!" I'm super excited to do this cosplay finally. It is going to be a pretty simple build but I think I might kick it up a notch with building her wings to go with it.

Please stay tuned for more updates.

Check out our fb page for more regular updates at:
Screaming Demon Props FB Page

-Aunt Vyvyan

An Important Update

Greetings all.

This will be our current page for our prop and costume business. We are excited to bring you all of the news that we will be doing and the places that we will be going to share our products and designs with all of you.

We currently have one deadline to finish by next week.

Are you an entertainer, cosplayer, or even anyone else who needs a prop or miniature or even a costume made for you? We are exactly who you are looking for.

We will be posting pictures of the things we are currently working on after our current client has debuted them in her show. We are very excited to be working with her. Of course, we have to keep things hush hush so I cannot divulge what we are working on or who we are working with at the moment, but once the debut is over with, we will be able to tell you all about our designs.

We have many skills available for you to use that we are constantly honing: construction of props, the design work, pattern making, sewing, the use of various power tools.

I will post a wish list of things that we need to purchase to better our business on a later date.

We hope you enjoy the things that we do and share. We will also be posting educational information and links to things that we think are good for you to learn if you are getting into this business as well.

Thank you for your time,
Dennis and Jet
Batsz and Vyvyan Wormwood

Monday, June 30, 2014

Soonercon 23: Darkness Falls

Hey guys, Vyvyan here. Had a great weekend on Soonercon 23!

On Friday, we first met an artist named Scott Cosby. We bought a cool print of Green Lantern from him for a friend of ours named Jamie. He’s going to love it. Scott Cosby is from Oklahoma and does absolutely wonderful pencil work. If you’d like to see more from him, you can go to his facebook page at “The Uncanny Scott Cosby.” I’m sure he’d love the press.

Next, we hung out with some of the steampunk guys from the Sky Marshals. You can visit their page at They put people in their jail for however long you pay for and it all goes to charity work. They are really cool and I suggest that you look them up and give them likes.

I got to go to a workshop on making steampunk bags that Bernina were putting on. You get to use one of their embroidery machines. It was really cool and I totally want to get one of their embroidery machines for myself one day. They do a really great repair program at the Bernina shop where they’ll fix a machine up for you if you need it. They are also family owned, which is really cool.

Friday night we watched the Star Trek Continues episode “Lolani” with Vic Mignogna. I got my picture taken with him afterwards because Batsz was being super sneaky about it. I was really embarrassed, but I was so happy I got a picture with him.

We got to see teasers for Army of Frankenstein and that was super cool. I can’t wait until the movie comes out in 2015 in America. It’s going to come out in Japan this year, but that’s in Japan, not here. Oh well. I can’t wait though. We got to see the director and the special effects people for it and we made friends with them. It was super awesome and I’d love to see them again sometime.

Saturday was a really hectic day because we were just about everywhere. We got to see another episode of Star Trek Continues with Vic Mignogna and Larry Nemecek. It was called “fairest of them all” and it was really cool. I told Batsz that I guess I should probably watch more of the original Star Trek so I can understand some of the references. I’m losing nerd points!!!

I got an autograph from Vic Mignogna, which I am super happy about. I put it in a special place in my house and he even spelled my name right! It’s a hard name to spell, so I felt pretty good about it.

At the end of Saturday, Batsz got to meet Count Gregore (John Ferguson), his childhood idol, and we helped him load up his car. He told us about some of the things that he’s done and he even helped us by telling us to give him some of our business cards and he’d pimp us out, too. I was so touched. This man is amazing and I hope we get to see him more.

Sunday was a kind of bland day. We had to run to the store to get prints for Count Gregore and some business cards worked up. We got to see some really cool panels at the convention and had a ton of fun. After one of the special effects workshops we got to talk to Ryan Bellgardt more in depth about his film, Army of Frankensteins. He is super cool and I was excited to talk about his film with him and get the heads up about it. You can find his film on facebook if you look up Army of Frankensteins.


I loved every minute of Soonercon 23 and wish my friends could have gone with Batsz and myself. It was so much fun.

-Vyvyan Wormwood

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Barrels of Monkeys!

Hi everyone!

So today was Sunday gaming as usual. We played Dungeons and Dragons 3.5. We have a lot of really varied characters who all stand out and excel in their areas of expertise. My character is a Bard going into a Rainbow Servant. I told myself “this character doesn’t’ have to be useful, just fabulous.” And that’s what I did. I made it a changeling who is a female who stays in male persona most of the time and loves to sing and play the pan flute. We started making jokes about Peruvian panflutes and panflute death metal. I like the fact that I can make all the guys laugh with my character and the remarks s/he makes. S/he is the life of the party in my opinion.

Our group is great and I love to game with all of them.  They are all very nice and very smart. It’s cool to have conversations with them about random stuff. Right now I am relaxing after such a long day. We get up to game every Saturday and Sunday at 7:00am or earlier.

Last night Batsz and I finished watching LoveHina for the first time. I never got to finish reading the mangas when I was younger so this was kind of a treat for me.  I’m not sure what we are going to watch next. For people who don’t know, Love Hina is a harem-style anime about a guy named Keitaro who wants to go to a certain college to fulfill his promise to a girl he used to hang out with when he was  just a young boy.

I’m thinking that the next anime we are going to watch is The Wallflower; which is about a goth girl who thinks she’s unattractive who lives with four handsome young men who want to transform her into a beautiful young lady. I’ve seen the first few episodes but we never got past the second disc (I own  the series). So that would be fun. 

Barrels of Monkeys!!!

-Vyvyan Wormwood

Monday, June 16, 2014

Starting a New Project

Today Batsz (D) and I made a fun step in the right direction. We’re trying to get back to cosplaying and costuming and things like that so we started by purchasing his foam for his new super awesome project. We’re hoping we got enough for his entire project to work with. It cost us around 30-40 dollars. We also bought some more glue stick stuff and some foam that I could use for making Pinkie Pie’s ears for my Pinkie Pie Equestria Girls party ensemble I’m making. I can’t wait to get started, but I don’t get any money until next month so it will have to wait. I don’t do very well at being patient either. Ha ha ha!

I’ll have more to update later on. If you have a cosplay blog and you’d like to be featured in my cosplay blog link list on the side of my page, let me know. You can send me a comment in the comment section of the blog. Here’s to happy networking!

-Vyvyan Wormwood

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day + Happy Birthday D!!

Happy Father’s day to all the fathers out there and the moms that are pulling a double shift!! May your day be happy and peaceful. Today is also my boyfriend D’s birthday. He is a bit older than me, but we don’t care. Age is really irrelevant. 

Yesterday, we had a birthday dinner with one of my besties. She made us some spaghetti with meat sauce and some ciabatta garlic bread. It was really good. She is an amazing cook. We went over to my mother and father’s house for Father’s day and D’s birthday. We ate tortellini with alfredo sauce and some mushroom and squash with some garlic bread. Mom also made a banana cake for D’s birthday as a surprise.

My mother surprised us by giving us money to go to the Soonercon convention this year. We’re going to be putting our money up to pre-register as soon as we can. I’m really excited about going. D is thinking he is going to wear his costume there and see if we can win the prize, which is a nice bernina sewing machine. I think we will be able to win it, but I can’t be sure. There are usually a lot of really well put together outfits at conventions.

I’m so excited and I just can’t wait to go get my convention on. D wants to see the Star Trek thing that they are having on Saturday of the convention and I want to meet Vic Mignogna. He does the voices for a bunch of the characters that I love in some of my favorite animes. The unfortunate part is that I can only remember that he played Dark in DN Angel, and Fai in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles. These are the dubbed versions. I’m a big old nerd for this kind of stuff.

Hopefully, D and I will finish watching Love Hina before we go to the convention. We watched the first of four discs a few days ago and it’s really good. I haven’t gotten to finish watching it ever, but I bought the full set a while back and never watched it. We just got done watching Moon Phase a few days ago, like sometime last week I think. It was great. I recommend it for anyone who wants a semi-comedic semi-dramatic version of vampires. Mostly comedic I think though.

Anyway, I will post more about D’s costume plans later on. I won’t have one, but I’ll be leading him around the con probably.


-Vyvyan Wormwood

Monday, June 9, 2014

Japanese and Dumb Cats

Looks like it’s the start of another week today. Oh god. It’s horrible. Just kidding. It’s really not that bad. I’m just kind of sitting around today. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to start my pain management stuff. I’m kind of nervous. I have all of my paperwork together and I hope I don’t have any problems with it. I’m probably going to have to walk with my cane, though. 

Saturday, we played Mutants and Masterminds for the first official time. That was fun. My character is called Magpie, and she is a mystic character similar to Raven from Teen Titans. I pretty much ripped off the character, but I made it just a little different. I had some different powers, too. But for the most part it’s a ripped off character. I have magic blast powers, flight, and I can hide in shadows in plain sight. I used those powers to follow one of our other characters into an enemy hideout without being noticed. It was really awesome. I love being able to do those things. I wish I could do them in real life. I’d pop out of people’s shadows all the time and scare them. Lol

I got a book on learning Japanese over the weekend, too. It’s a Getting Started book. I’ve only read a few chapters in it, but I’m learning all kinds of things so far. I wish I had the CDs that went along with it, since those you can hear the way the people say the things in the book with it.

I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it, but I have two cats. I have one grey tabby named Anise and  a Siamese named Cotton Puff. They are brothers because they came from the same mom. They were from two different litters a month or two apart and they were the last of their litters because the wild dogs around here killed the other ones off. It was really sad. But we got Anise and Cotton Puff from it and they love us. They are dumb as bricks but we love them anyway.

I need to do some more exercises. Today, when I went in for my birth control they told me I had lost about ten pounds from last November. My bmi had gone down and I was generally doing better for myself. I hope that I can do better than that in the upcoming times. I think my belly dancing is helping a little bit because there is just so much movement, and I don’t do a lot of movement normally. This is just another one of my stupid struggles I have to deal with. That and I like food way too much. Maybe to a freakish degree even.

Ah well. Gotta keep up the work.

-Vyvyan Wormwood