Monday, June 30, 2014

Soonercon 23: Darkness Falls

Hey guys, Vyvyan here. Had a great weekend on Soonercon 23!

On Friday, we first met an artist named Scott Cosby. We bought a cool print of Green Lantern from him for a friend of ours named Jamie. He’s going to love it. Scott Cosby is from Oklahoma and does absolutely wonderful pencil work. If you’d like to see more from him, you can go to his facebook page at “The Uncanny Scott Cosby.” I’m sure he’d love the press.

Next, we hung out with some of the steampunk guys from the Sky Marshals. You can visit their page at They put people in their jail for however long you pay for and it all goes to charity work. They are really cool and I suggest that you look them up and give them likes.

I got to go to a workshop on making steampunk bags that Bernina were putting on. You get to use one of their embroidery machines. It was really cool and I totally want to get one of their embroidery machines for myself one day. They do a really great repair program at the Bernina shop where they’ll fix a machine up for you if you need it. They are also family owned, which is really cool.

Friday night we watched the Star Trek Continues episode “Lolani” with Vic Mignogna. I got my picture taken with him afterwards because Batsz was being super sneaky about it. I was really embarrassed, but I was so happy I got a picture with him.

We got to see teasers for Army of Frankenstein and that was super cool. I can’t wait until the movie comes out in 2015 in America. It’s going to come out in Japan this year, but that’s in Japan, not here. Oh well. I can’t wait though. We got to see the director and the special effects people for it and we made friends with them. It was super awesome and I’d love to see them again sometime.

Saturday was a really hectic day because we were just about everywhere. We got to see another episode of Star Trek Continues with Vic Mignogna and Larry Nemecek. It was called “fairest of them all” and it was really cool. I told Batsz that I guess I should probably watch more of the original Star Trek so I can understand some of the references. I’m losing nerd points!!!

I got an autograph from Vic Mignogna, which I am super happy about. I put it in a special place in my house and he even spelled my name right! It’s a hard name to spell, so I felt pretty good about it.

At the end of Saturday, Batsz got to meet Count Gregore (John Ferguson), his childhood idol, and we helped him load up his car. He told us about some of the things that he’s done and he even helped us by telling us to give him some of our business cards and he’d pimp us out, too. I was so touched. This man is amazing and I hope we get to see him more.

Sunday was a kind of bland day. We had to run to the store to get prints for Count Gregore and some business cards worked up. We got to see some really cool panels at the convention and had a ton of fun. After one of the special effects workshops we got to talk to Ryan Bellgardt more in depth about his film, Army of Frankensteins. He is super cool and I was excited to talk about his film with him and get the heads up about it. You can find his film on facebook if you look up Army of Frankensteins.


I loved every minute of Soonercon 23 and wish my friends could have gone with Batsz and myself. It was so much fun.

-Vyvyan Wormwood

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